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Chongqing Nanchuan District construction industry issued "peace card" a card swipe card into the site

Update time:2023-03-27 11:08:35 / Views:109

At present, many areas of the construction site has implemented the policy of swipe card into the construction site, which not only allows workers to work on time, but also, and most importantly, to protect the rights of workers. At present, the construction industry in Chongqing Nanchuan District has been cloth "peace card" a card next year will be fully implemented in the site card.

Chongqing Nanchuan District construction industry issued a "peace card" a card swipe card into the site

Construction site peace card

Just received the "peace card", construction workers Chen Kaiming said: "With this card, there is evidence of arrears of wages and injury claims, you can better defend their legitimate rights and interests." The same as Chen Kaiming, tens of thousands of construction workers in Nanchuan District will be trained "peace card" to achieve the "card on the job".

Safe card refers to the intelligent IC card obtained by the construction workers through safety education and training and assessment. It records the basic personal information of construction workers, safety training and assessment, vocational skills, labor contracts, wages, insurance, attendance, awards and punishments.

Who needs to apply for a peace card?" A card?

The citys under construction housing and municipal infrastructure projects construction site employees, including construction unit project management personnel, construction unit project management personnel, supervision unit project management personnel, front-line construction personnel and other four types of personnel, are required to apply for a safety card.

"Card on the job does not mean that everyone can get the peace card, it also has a certain threshold." District Construction Association, said Li Yi, construction personnel must participate in the production safety knowledge training, after passing the examination to obtain the "peace card" a card.

"The training includes safety laws and regulations, rules and regulations, basic knowledge of safety, safety awareness, professional ethics, self-help, construction safety technology, etc." Li Yi said that the training can improve the quality of employees, so that they understand some safety knowledge and laws and regulations to avoid "put down the hoe, into the site" so that the quality of construction, construction safety is more secure.

City-wide implementation of the "one card"

According to reports, all construction sites in Nanchuan District for front-line operations and site management personnel are dependent on the "peace card" in and out of the construction site, did not obtain the "peace card" personnel shall not enter the construction site in the future, construction enterprises and supervision enterprises shall not employ the unobtained This means that no card is not qualified.

Chongqing construction personnel "peace card", in the citys administrative division within the implementation of ID cards and peace card corresponding to the "one card", even if the site is changed, can also be universal. It is understood that the existing construction workers in Nanchuan District, more than 15,000 people, this year will train 11,000 people, training and assessment will be issued after passing the "peace card", next year, all construction workers in the region will hold a card to go to work, brush the card in and out of the construction site. Other industry news: Putian bus ic with citizens instead of card ic card ride on the bus more affordable than before

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