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What is the difference between barcode card, magnetic stripe card, ID card and IC card

Barcode cards, magnetic cards, ID cards and IC cards are several smart cards that we commonly use, and are useful in many fields, but many people do not know much about these cards, so what is the difference between barcode cards, magnetic cards, ID cards and IC cards? Lets take a look at these smart cards.

Barcode cards, magnetic stripe cards, ID cards and IC cards what is the difference between them

Barcode cards, magnetic cards, ID cards and IC Lets take a look at the differences between the cards.

1、Barcode card: There is a string of barcode on the surface of the card, and the card number of the barcode card is read by a scanning gun or the corresponding barcode reader. According to the different bar codes, it is divided into 39 codes and other codes. Barcode card is just a number, no other content is stored. Features: Cheap and similar to magnetic cards.

Supermarket barcode card

2. Magnetic stripe card:Similar to bank card, with black magnetic stripe on the back. Generally suitable for single store use. The magnetic stripe on the reverse side only stores the number, nothing else, because the uniqueness of the magnetic card number ensures that different users have different card numbers. When using magnetic card to realize membership management, member savings amount, points or discounts are realized by software. Features of this card:Cheap and common. Disadvantages:The magnetism near the strong magnetic field is easy to lose.

Magnetic stripe card

3, ID card: similar to the large companies open the door access card. id card is non-contact card. The card itself has a coil, only the card number through the card reader and other related equipment to read, ID card itself does not store other things. According to the thickness of the card, it is divided into thick card, thin card and thick card. Thick cards cannot print patterns, thin cards can. Features: moderate price, because it is a sensing reading card, does not affect the wear and tear of the card and the machine.

ID white card

4, IC card chip: divided into contact IC and telephone card telephone card; non-contact IC card also known as M1 card similar to the Shanghai bus card. Contact IC because the chip is exposed, the card itself is often in contact with the machine, easy to wear. Contactless IC because the card is induction reading card, not in contact with the machine itself, so it is more maintainable. IC according to the capacity of the chip, the card itself has different types of chips, there are generally more 4442 IC cards on the market. It can also be divided into: Siemens card, Phillip card, Fudan card, etc. This kind of card is generally applicable to chain stores, this kind of card itself can store information, so you can spend in real time in chain stores through this kind of card.

Contact type ic card

With the continuous development of smart card technology, the problem of id copy card has also emerged, for barcode card, magnetic stripe card, ID the security of these cards is also under great threat. ic card is currently a higher security smart card, with read and write function, the price is not very expensive, and now gradually occupy the mainstream of the market.

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