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Jilin province will realize the provinces "residents health card" a card by 2020 to do one person a card!

Residents health card is a card issued by many provinces and cities, replacing the hospital card, can easily achieve a medical card. Recently, Jilin Province released the news that Jilin Province began to fully carry out the construction of the residents health card. By 2020, Jilin Province is basically true

Jilin Province by 2020 will realize the provinces "residents health card" a card to do one person a card!

Now everyone has a resident health card to make it easier for people to get medical treatment.

Resident health card

Resident health card has four major functions

According to reports, the province will issue residents a free resident health card in the future, which can be used to input information such as residents electronic health records and electronic medical records, so that residents can enjoy continuous, efficient and convenient health and family planning services. It has four functions.

1. identification function: to realize resident identification, registration with the card, appointment registration, inquiry, payment, report list printing, etc.

2. basic health information storage function: mainly records basic personal health information, including blood type, past medical history, drug allergy history, etc.

3. cross-regional and cross-institutional health service functions: cross-regional and cross-institutional access to health care, and the realization of a card for access to health care at all levels of medical and family planning institutions.

4. cost settlement and financial application functions: to realize the settlement of personal financial accounts and the immediate reporting and immediate settlement of the new rural cooperative medical care cooperative medical system, and can hold the card in online medical, health, family planning institutions and other financial settlement terminals to pay for settlement services.

In 2020, it is expected to hold a card

It is reported that in 2015, the province fully launched the construction of residents health card, complete the construction of the provincial key management system and comprehensive management information system for residents health card; basically complete the construction of the pilot regional comprehensive management information system for residents health card; pilot medical institutions application environment transformation; pilot areas and medical institutions for residents health card started successfully.

In 2013, Jilin Province made every effort to strengthen the demonstration and promotion, promote the construction of the application environment and service system of resident health cards in all cities (states) in the province; promote the issuance and application of resident health cards for key groups; improve and optimize the issuance mode of resident health cards, and accelerate the issuance and use of resident health cards.

By the end of 2017, the transformation of the operating environment of medical institutions in the province was basically completed, and the residents health card was initially realized in the province for cross-regional and cross-institutional medical treatment. It is expected that by 2020, the province will basically realize that everyone has a resident health card

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