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Intelligent access card "security e-card" round everyone a safe and secure dream of living

Access card is the most common in our life, access card to open the corridor security door, in many residential areas is very common. But in Jiangdong Yu Kou apartment, access control card has a unique smart chip that records the basic information of the cardholder, as long as the cardholder opens the door to enter and exit, the property company will be able to grasp in time.

Smart access card "Anju e-card" is a safe and secure dream for everyone

Jiangdong YuKou apartment issued intelligent access card "safe residence e card" since many tenants say that this intelligent access card has now become their mobile population apartment building guardian talisman, tenants no longer need to worry about strangers randomly in and out, thieves almost disappeared.

It is understood that the Yu Kou apartment has 11 4-story apartment buildings, a total of 968 houses, are used for rent, is a mobile population concentrated in the apartment. The morning before yesterday, the reporter drove ready to enter the apartment door, Jiangdong Public Security Bureau Public Security Brigade mobile population management police Pan Weiping immediately stopped, said no apartment access card, the car can not drive in.

Yu Xin apartment chairman Yu Xiangcai came with a name "Anju e card" brush access card, the door bars automatically open, the vehicle can be released into the community.

Yu Xiangcai told reporters, do not underestimate this card, it is not only the key to enter and exit the corridor security door, but also installed a radio frequency induction base station, as long as the card in the body, the system can automatically sense. This card also has a more powerful function, because it records the basic information of the cardholder, as long as the cardholder open the door in and out, their background management can grasp in time.

According to him, in the past, their registration of tenants was not perfect, and it was not clear who lived in the rental house and when to leave. With this card, they not only issue cards according to the actual registered persons, requiring everyone to have a card, but also set the expiration date of the access card according to the rent payment period, the tenant can not enter the community to rent a room.

Under his guidance, the reporter observed that the community parking is orderly, although the apartment spacing is small, but the environment is very clean, the corridor security door closed, only residents with access cards to open.

The reporter randomly asked a few tenants, they all said we are used to this way in and out, although inconvenient in their hometown, but let people feel safer, do not have to worry about strangers come in.

According to the Jiangdong Public Security Bureau Public Security Brigade Deputy Captain Wang Yong, this access card is a collection of ID, spraying two-dimensional code of high-frequency UHF chip composite card is not only compatible with the original card reading device in each corridor, and does not require replacement of the original access card held by the communitys permanent residents, does not affect the normal access of most residents. By the end of December last year, the community property management staff issued more than 300 cards, the community police found 67 unregistered mobile population, timely discovery of mobile population information changes.

Wang Yong said the access card also helped them solve a theft case. It was November 2 last year, when a resident on the second floor of Building 8 of the Yukou Apartments had 4,500 yuan in cash and an Apple phone stolen. On the same day, the police station police through the community video surveillance and access control card people in and out, found that the third floor residents Xu use the second floor residents door did not slip into the crime, in time to save the reporters losses.

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