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Xian driving school from June 1 to implement the drip card management system to monitor the "shrinkage of learning hours"

It is understood that the Xian driving school in June 1, the implementation of the driving school drip rubber card monitoring system, to put an end to the driving school "learning hours shrinkage" phenomenon, to improve the technical and moral quality of driving school students.

Driving school drip card

The first of these is to make sure that the companys products and services are not too expensive. The phenomenon of "shrinking hours" is expected to be avoided.

At present, Xians driving training industry structure is not reasonable, training models single, passenger, truck type training capacity is weak, driving schools have not yet formed a scale some driving schools malicious price competition, resulting in the reduction of hours, reducing the quality of teaching; instructor quality needs to be improved, the problem of individual driving schools without a license to teach still exists; driving schools in general, there is a tendency to focus on operation, light on theory, test training, light on quality education.

It is understood that the rectification will re-examine the qualifications of the citys existing driving schools, clean up the illegal affiliation of the "black driving school", clean up the untrained and unlicensed road training teaching staff. The existing driving school more, small, weak, scattered status quo of resource reorganization, with one to two years, the citys driving school number control in about 50.

Drip rubber card to monitor the "shrinkage of learning hours"

The consolidation, the citys driving schools will be a comprehensive review of vehicle ownership, teaching facilities, teaching sites. Where the coaching vehicles, teaching facilities, property rights and operating rights are not consistent, suspend the permit; where no training site driving school, shall sign a contract with the operating training ground, the site does not meet the requirements or teaching vehicles and coaching staff to meet national standards, not administrative license, not issued "license". In order to avoid the phenomenon of shrinking hours, from the end of last year, Xians driver training institutions have been installed training hours recorder, in March this year began trial operation.

It is understood that, according to the unified arrangement of the industry management department, more than 70% of the regular coaches in Xian have been installed with training hour recorders. From June 1, Xian will officially implement the training hours drip card management system, divided into coach card and student card, the coach card is a long-lasting card, the student card is a time card. The trainers card is a long-lasting card and the students card is a time card. The credit hour drip card is issued and managed by the Xian Automobile Maintenance Industry Management Office in accordance with the approved teaching capacity. The system of one card for one person and one card for one car is implemented, and the card should be swiped when getting on the car and also when getting off. The industry management requires driver training institutions to report training hours information on the 25th of each month according to regulations, otherwise it will not be audited and signed.

In addition, coaches filling out training records, teaching logs falsified, will be seriously dealt with, and included in the blacklist of incompetent coaches, and coaches into the management of operating vehicles. For the re-licensing of training institutions to assume the qualification, every six months time for a quality

Xian driving school from June 1 to implement the drip card management system to monitor the "shrinkage of hours"

Assessment, the implementation of the last elimination system.

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