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Xining City tomorrow from the elderly bus drip rubber card began to accept the audit

It is understood that from September 20, the 170,000 senior citizen bus drip cards in Xining City will begin to accept the audit, when the elderly can go to the bus group company yard located in South Republican Road (the first floor of the cashier center) for the annual audit within the specified time.

Xining City, starting tomorrow, the elderly bus drip card began to accept the audit


It is reported that, according to the municipal government "on the free ride on public transport for the elderly for the implementation of the drip card" spirit, the citys 170,000 elderly drip card in each year will be an annual review. Annual audit time is generally concentrated in September and October each year. The same time as the previous annual review, from September 20, 2015 to October 31, 2015, the specific time from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday, Sunday, no rest; annual review of the scope of the senior drip card before September 1, 2015; and September 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015, the new senior drip card, the new office together with the annual review. audit.

The elderly bus drip card began to accept the audit matters needing attention.

【Documents to bring】 The elderly need to bring their original household register, original ID card and senior citizen drip card when reviewing the drip card; in the annual review need to pay the 2013 passenger accident insurance premium of 10 yuan.

[Matters needing attention] After the annual audit, the 2013 free rides will be charged 240 times and will be enjoyed from November 1, 2015.

The effective use date of the free rides in 2015 is October 31, 2015, and the remaining times not yet used up in the card will be invalidated and not carried forward.

If the senior citizen drip card does not undergo an annual audit, it will no longer be eligible for free rides in 2013 and subsequent years from November 1, 2015. Therefore the need for annual review of the elderly bus drip card will be to the relevant departments as soon as possible!

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