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What is the function of laundry drip card and what are its specific parameters

Laundry drip card is a smart card used by many laundries at present, which is a contactless drip card. Laundry drip card may not be common to us, many people dont know what function it has, what function it has, what are its specific parameters, lets take a look below.

What is the function of laundry drip card and what are its specific parameters

Laundry drip card

Laundry drip card functions.

1、Can store value

2. Can be encrypted to ensure the safety of the laundry card

3. Because the card is intelligent drip card if the laundry card has self-service equipment, you can use the drip card to achieve self-help consumption of members and self-help laundry.

Specific parameters of the laundry drip card.

Product Model: F08, original S50

Product parameters: 8K non-contact bit drip card capacity of 8K-bit EEPROM is divided into 16 fan areas, each fan area is 4, each 16 bytes, each fan area has a set of independent password and access control, each card has a unique serial number for 32 conflict mechanism, support multi-card operation without power, has its own antenna, including encryption control logic and communication logic circuit

Product specifications: 85.5540.88

Operating temperature: -20℃~50℃

Operating frequency: 13.56MHZ communication rate: 106KBPS

Read-write distance: 100mm internal (related to the reader)

Data storage: 10 years

Swipe card times: can be rewritten 100,000 times, read unlimited times

At present, laundry drip card is applicable to: laundry stored value card, membership card, laundry self-service laundry card.

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