With the widespread use of smart cards, smart cards are gradually extended to various industries. Since 2012, the country has increased the promotion of smart cards to build smart city construction, and so far, first-tier cities have basically realized the basis of a card in hand to travel unhindered, and the construction of smart cities has been reflected in the original intention.
The construction of the digital city will bring significant development to the city economy, so that the overall development of the city to a new level, the ultimate purpose of the construction of the digital city is to develop the city economy to provide services to improve the quality of life of the people, is a profound understanding and practice of the harmonious society. With the citizens one-card and digital go terminal popularization, let the digital city become a way of life for people and popularize peoples livelihood, China International Electronic Commerce Center will fully assist in the construction of digital city on the basis of strategic cooperation framework.
The development of smart city is a long-term historical task, the establishment and implementation of standards suitable for the application of sustained and coordinated unity has urgency and practical significance, the development of the pilot work of the national smart city, the formation of demonstration and standard interaction, conducive to the rapid development of smart city, in-depth promotion of Chinas strategic approach to urbanization development.
Previous:What role do traffic smart cards play in urban development and construction?