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Access cards are easily copied, the district will be ID access card upgrade to IC card is safe

"Now access control off or not has little use, almost everyone who enters and leaves this building door has an access card." A community of Ms. Du said that the building has some residential rental into commercial use, the property company originally issued three access cards for each family, but because some companies are more people in and out, there are a variety of replica access card phenomenon.

  For this phenomenon, the residents of the community is very worried, "so easy to copy an access card, that access control system still what use?" "If the tenant moved out of the hands of the community access card, and then return to the community is not too easy? Non-owners can casually get the card, there will be concerns about security risks.

ID access card is easy to be copied, the district how to ensure the safety of residents property, through the southern leap smart card company learned that the ID card is known as the identification card (Identification Card), is a non-writable induction card, containing a fixed number, mainly SYRIS EM format, the United States HIDMOTOROLA and other types of ID cards. ID cards and ID card and magnetic card, only the use of the "card number" only, the card in addition to the card number, without any confidentiality function. So ID access cards are relatively easy to copy.

How to ensure the safety of the residents of the community?

   Through a community, the reporter learned that ID access cards are gradually upgraded to the IC card to improve the security of the community, IC access cards are safer than ID access cards? Ltd. smart card engineers learned that IC cards are much safer than ID cards. IC card is an integrated circuit card, a plastic card inlaid with an integrated circuit chip, its function has 32 bits of protected memory, 256 bytes of EEPROM, 3 bytes of user password, relatively high security, not easy to be copied. If the choice of IC card as access control card is relatively safe. However, due to the higher cost of IC cards, and ID cards are also more convenient to manage, many of the current community choose ID cards as access control cards.

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