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Have you cashed your keychain card points

Update time:2023-04-25 10:19:44 / Views:85

In order to promote sales, many companies have implemented a keychain card system, which organically combines member consumption with points on the keychain card. In a certain period of time, members can use the points on the card in exchange for gifts or cash. The reporter visited and learned that New Years Day and before the Spring Festival is a lot of businesses to determine the keychain card points redemption time. After the period, the points will be automatically cleared. If you do not understand the relevant provisions of the card, it is likely to miss the cash discount, all the points will be accumulated in vain.

  In Yangtze River Huiquan Commercial Building Supermarket, the reporter learned that customers only need to fill in the application form and submit valid identity documents to apply for the keychain card and enjoy the benefits of purchasing member goods, points, rebates and discounts. After the points of the keychain card reach a certain amount, they can be exchanged for supermarket coupons within a specified period of time, which is valid for one year.

  Jiang Lili, department manager of Yangtze River Huiquan Commercial Building Supermarket, introduced that if the points exceed 1,000, they can be redeemed on April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 1. Supermarket vouchers worth 10 yuan are redeemed once every 1,000 points and can be used for the next consumption. The remaining less than 1,000 points can be redeemed and accumulated in the next cycle.

  Points can be redeemed immediately after the Home Shopping Supermarket Keychain Card reaches 1,000 points. Those below 1,000 points will be redeemed on April 1, August 1 and December 1 every year. The validity period of membership points and redeemed electronic coupons is calculated from the day the points are generated and redeemed into electronic coupons. The period is 1 year and will not be liquidated at the end of December.

  The three major cell phone communication operators, namely Mobile, China Unicom and Telecom, have also launched cell phone points redemption business. China Mobile Wendeng Branch implements business hall redemption and online redemption.

  China Mobile Wendeng Branch Mishan Road business hall sales staff Wang Xiaoying introduced, GSM points exchange phone bills, gifts, e-books and magazines for GSM users launched, since 2011 to cancel the points liquidation period. Points can be accumulated in the annual points exchange month to the business hall, you can also log on to the "China Mobile Points Mall" for exchange.

  The points of the other two carriers will be cleared in three years, which means that the points of 2009 will be cleared by the end of this year. Therefore, it is best for users to call customer service to know when the points will be exchanged and go to the operators business halls or through their official websites within the validity period.

  In contrast to supermarkets and communication operators, most banks credit card points are permanently valid and will not be cleared, and consumers can exchange them for gifts at any time at the bank.

  If the clearing deadline for keychain card points is December 31, it is definitely too late for you to cash in now. Therefore, you are reminded to consult the relevant information in detail when you apply for the card, pay more attention to the business dynamics in general and pay attention to the expiration date of points redemption so as not to miss your discount.

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