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  • The relationship between IC card and M1 card!

    The relationship between IC card and M1 card!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-07-06
    • 1
    Someone always asks: I want to do M1 card", can make, M1 card is IC card", no, I do M1 card, not IC card". So I began to explain, tell him that the two are the same, but not the same. Is that the four
  • IC card encryption is how to do, 7 points of knowledge must see?

    IC card encryption is how to do, 7 points of knowledge must see?

    • CardCube
    • 2023-07-06
    • 35
    ⒈ IC card password; IC card encryption is how to do, 7 points of knowledge must see? As we all know, IC when the card is used for consumer purposes, must ensure the security of t
  • IC card health card production!

    IC card health card production!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-07-06
    • 195
    According to the Chengdu CDC. Chengdu districts of the CDC began to intelligent. IC health card. The card is a PVC material similar to a bank card. There are photos and related information of people w
  • Why do IC cards need to initialize settings?

    Why do IC cards need to initialize settings?

    • CardCube
    • 2023-07-06
    • 174
    IC card and ID card; IC integrated circuit card full name card (Integrated Circuit Card), also known as smart card (Smart Card). Read and write, large capacity, strong encryption function,
  • The six advantages of ic card access control system!

    The six advantages of ic card access control system!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-07-06
    • 173
    Many communities are concerned about the security of the area because access cards are being copied. At present, the access card has been copied. ic card a card access control system program has been
  • IC card application:IC meal card!

    IC card application:IC meal card!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 160
    ⒈ ic meal card IC card applications: IC meal card! IC meal card in the campus, factories, national enterprises and institutions and other units prevalent IC a card, can be used t
  • IC card application: Fitness card!

    IC card application: Fitness card!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 14
    Fitness card is a membership card issued by fitness centers (yoga gym, tennis room, billiard room, table tennis room, badminton room). Fitness membership card service is a popular service management m
  • IC card and ID card difference?

    IC card and ID card difference?

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 72
    First, the definition of IC card and ID card; The difference between IC card and ID card? IC card (Integrated Circuit Card), also known as smart card (Smart Card ). Can read and
  • IC card in the use of how to choose?

    IC card in the use of how to choose?

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 91
    IC how to choose the card in use? Now IC cards are widely used in all fields of peoples lives, but there are many kinds of ic cards. How to determine which one to use in the application of
  • The 7 major parts of IC card production!

    The 7 major parts of IC card production!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 26
    IC card (Integrated Circuit Card) that is, integrated circuit card, IC microelectronic chip embedded in ISO in 7816 standard card base, made into card form. IC card chip production process can be divi
  • The seven steps of ic card production!

    The seven steps of ic card production!

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 180
    IC from the starting design to the final delivery to the customer, card production should take the following seven steps. The seven steps of ic card production! ⒈ system design
  • Why is the magnetic stripe card not as safe as the smart IC card?

    Why is the magnetic stripe card not as safe as the smart IC card?

    • CardCube
    • 2023-06-30
    • 93
    The country vigorously promotes the intelligent IC At present, banks will not continue to issue magnetic stripe cards. There are many reasons. The main reason is security. Why the magnetic stripe card